Meet The Team
Welcome to LEARN SEND Hub. Come and meet....
Jane Starbuck
SEND Lead Practitioner
Jane Starbuck has recently joined Community Inclusive Trust (CIT) (February 2023) as the Strategic Lead for School Support and Growth. She will be working with schools in a school development capacity and will also be leading on creating a coordinated and consistent approach to growing the MAT.
Jane was a SENCO and primary school Head Teacher and the Strategic Leader for Inclusion of a large partnership of schools. More recently, she has been working for Nottinghamshire County Council as the Education Improvement Adviser with responsibility for SEND and is also the Deputy Regional Leader for East Midlands, South Yorkshire and Humber for Whole School SEND. Jane has a particular interest in developing a strategy-based approach to SEND provision in schools.
She has established effective collaborations between schools to develop specialist provision, alternative provision, training and sharing resources. Jane is also a lecturer on the National SENCO Award for Nottingham Trent University.