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  • Support.
  • Enhance.
  • Nurture.
  • Develop.

LEARN provides bespoke CPD and school support through a wide range of specialist SEND and mainstream colleagues, some of which is SEND-specific. However, our focus is to ensure that every child receives access to high quality education.

LEARN provides bespoke CPD and school support through a wide range of specialist SEND and mainstream colleagues, some of which is SEND-specific. However, our focus is to ensure that every child receives access to high quality education.

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What We Offer

LEARN is part of the Community Inclusive Trust which is an ambitious multi-academy trust that caters for both mainstream primary and special schools across the East Midlands. Since opening in September 2014, LEARN have developed a portfolio of programmes and are included in DfE approved SEND programmes and projects.

LEARN is based in Lincolnshire, but provides support to the wider workforce across East Midlands, South Yorkshire and Humber.

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  • I just wanted to pop an email across to say thank you so much for letting me be a part of LSP this year. The training, tour and talks and the audit have all been so brilliant. A big shout out and thank you to my reviewer who has just been the kindest and most supportive person to work with. I was initially really anxious about the SEND audit but having an auditor who is also a SENDCO, meant the conversations were with someone who also understood the challenges that SENDCOs face. I really enjoyed sharing our school, our practice and ethos and then getting some great ideas that I’m looking forward to implementing.

  • Our OFSTED report is published! Thank you so much for all the support you gave us with SEND.  Our provision really shone in the inspection, and this is in large part thanks to the work you and our SENCo did in the autumn.  We are extremely grateful to you and the for the wider impact your work has had on our school and experiences of our most vulnerable pupils.

  • “The access to the resources will be invaluable and the knowledge and experience of the facilitators shone through."

  • “Very knowledgeable trainer who delivered the training in a helpful and engaging way with humour."

  • “It was a good opportunity to have uninterrupted reflective time on where we are at and how to strategically plan changes."

  • Training was fun and memorable!

  • Fabulous course, well delivered.

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    Courses at learn

  • SEND in the Mainstream (delivered in Leicestershire)


    of participants scored the course either very good, or good (88% very good)

  • Meeting Complex Needs in EYFS in Mainstream Settings FiM)


    of participants scored the course Very Good

  • Graduated Approach implementation of EHCP


    of participants scored the course Very Good